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Helping companies of all sizes and in all industries worldwide
Unlocking technology to deliver innovative solutions and unparalleled customer support
Learn how CONA Services supports the biggest North American Coca-Cola bottlers with SAP solutions.
Winning as the formula to lasting relevancy
See how SAP Business AI drives Team Liquid’s game strategy and maximises the chances of winning.
Aiming to lift over 90,000 employees to new heights
See how Delta Air Lines is developing a talent strategy that aims to use generative AI to unlock the potential of its workforce.
FC Bayern and SAP shape the clubs’ success through innovative business transformation
See how FC Bayern uses SAP Business AI in SAP SuccessFactors to elevate its HR processes.
Future-proofing sustainability ambitions
Understand how adopting a more structured approach to sustainability will positively impact core business activities through transparent reporting and goal setting.
Meaningful connections and experiences
Learn how data helps complement brand, human and emotional connections in delivering a delightful customer experience.
Prioritizing the customer experience
Discover how teaming up with high tech helps deliver a seamless,
frictionless shopping experience.
Unlocking new value via personalised communications
Learn how PUMA transforms their fanbase to drive growth by nurturing brand advocacy and loyalty.
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