Legal Disclosure
Impressum information
Systems Applications Products (South Africa) (Proprietary) Limited - including Lesotho and eSwatini
SAP Business Park
1 Woodmead Drive
Woodmead 2148
Johannesburg, South Africa
Registration Number: 1999/020470/07
VAT Number: 4150190645
Directors: CJ Smith (Managing), J Dressler *, G Koolen, CJJ Kuehnemann *ƚ, MF Masilo ƚ
* German / ƚ Non-Executive Director
Systems Applications Products (Africa Region) (Proprietary) Limited - including Angola, Botswana, Cape Verde, Comoros, Equitorial Guinea, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
SAP Business Park
1 Woodmead Drive
Woodmead 2148
Johannesburg, South Africa
Registration Number: 1999/023422/07e
VAT Number: 4740189883
Directors: CJ Smith (Managing), J Dressler *, CJJ Kuehnemann *ƚ
* German / ƚ Non-Executive Director
Systems Applications Products Nigeria Limited - including Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone
The Mansard Place, B Wing 2nd Floor
927/928 Bishop Aboyade Street
Victoria Island
Registration Number: RC 339756
TIN: 00238629 – 0001
Directors: GF Adelowore; TO Adewumi; CJ Smith *; J Dressler **
* South African / ** German
SAP East Africa Limited - including Kenya
4th Floor Cavendish Building
14 Riverside Park, Riverside Drive
Registration Number: CPR/2013/109230
Directors: CJ Smith (Managing) *, J Dressler **, CJJ Kuehnemann **ƚ
* South African / ** German / ƚ Non-Executive Director
Sybase Angola Lda (An SAP Company)
Escom Building, 9th Floor
No 35/37 Marechal Brós Tito Street
Trading Licence: 549-14/141014
Fiscal Number: 5480007874
Director: A Ferreira