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Enterprise Security

Aug 15, 2023

Metrics to Enhance your Cybersecurity Skills Development Program

How can you know if you are getting the most value out of cybersecurity learning? Metrics. Here is a short guide to four types of essential cybersecurity learning metrics.

1 min read

Cybersecurity learning is a critical part of any cybersecurity program. But how can you know if you are getting the most value out of cybersecurity learning? The answer: metrics. The right measurements will enable you to make optimal use of your training resources and gain the support of management. 

Fill out the form to download a short guide to four types of essential cybersecurity learning metrics to keep them at hand. 

[offsec-hubspot-form id=”8e395a71-f6a9-4cc3-ac77-bb5050f55975″ size=”small”]